Dog Obedience Overview
Phase 1: Absolute Must Training for ALL dogs
- Sit -Verbal, Visual and Whistle
- Heel - Both left and right side
- Come - Verbal, Visual and Whistle
- Volno- Release command to tell the dog he is free to do what they want
- Eh Eh - Command to tell dog that that is not your desired action
- Fuj - Command to signify that dog is doing something horribly wrong
- Sit on command and stay
- Heel on both left and right and sit when stopping. No pulling on leash
- Come when called under all circumstances
- No biting or mouthing
- No jumping up on people
- No barking or whining for attention
- No aggression or dominance towards dogs or people
- No begging for food
Phase 2
- Stay - Stay in car, or location
- Down - Lie down and stay. Verbal, Visual and Whistle
- Off - Get off of what ever they are on (chair, sofa, etc)
- Drop/Release - Drop/Release whatever is in their mouth
- Fetch - Fetch the object and bring it back to your hand
- Leave it - Don't touch what your about to pick up
- Kennel - Get into car, crate, boat, etc
- Settle/Relax - Stay down for inspection and grooming
- Do not eat anything from strangers, the ground or tables without your approval
- Do not eat or chew on sticks
- Do not drink from the ground, ponds or rivers
- Stay off of furniture
- Proper entrance/exit of car
- Proper entrance/exit of doors
- Fetch
- Go to Kennel when commanded
- Walking properly on stairs
- Do not jump on the backs of other dogs
- Licking only on your ears, not your face
- Calm behavior in shops, malls
- Never urinate/defecate unless outdoors
- Acting calmly in crowded areas
- Allow others to examine the dog (teeth, body etc)
- Accepts being groomed
- Allow others to command and control the dog
- Reacts calmly to distractions (chair dropping, stranger jumping out of the bushes, etc)
Phase 3
- Teaching your dog to swim
- Shake on command
- Riding an elevator
- Getting on and off of a subway
- Riding an escalator
- Pay attention
- Do not chase cats
- Teaching dog to jump on you only on command
- Acting calmly to loud noises (thunder, guns, fireworks)
- Up - Jump on your chest
- Shake - Shake on command